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We do farming for...


Aiming for healthier returns,

a sustainable future

Ag-investment: A proven asset class

" The only investors who shouldn't diversify are those who are right 100% of the time."

                                                                .........SIR JOHN TEMPLETON


Agricultural investment strategies are now high on the agenda of institutional and private investors alike with many of the world’s wealthiest investors proclaiming their allegiance to agriculture in the coming years. Agricultural land is becoming an increasingly popular asset because of its distinctive investment characteristics. As a tangible finite resource in a world where the supply of arable land is shrinking rapidly, agricultural land prices continue to experience ongoing price appreciation.


Spurred on by the 2008 food, fuel and financial crisis and continuing price volatility, sovereign wealth funds, private equity funds, agricultural producers, and other key players in the goods and agribusiness industry have been buying up land at an unprecedented rate.


Food security is a problem for many regions around the world, especially in China, India, South Korea and the Middle East. Chinese & Middle Eastern companies and sovereign wealth funds and investors have become some of the largest players in the vertical supply chain for global agriculture.


Following are the key drivers for global agriculture investments:


  • The human population has increased by almost 400% in the past 100 year. The primary drivers underpinning current and future farmland returns are global economic growth, rising income level, and population growth, all of which ultimately dictate global demand for food, feed and fuel.

  • Increasing demand for agricultural commodities in the face of a finite stock of suitable productive land.

  • Climate change, deforestation, desertification and urbanization has reduced agriculture productivity in many countries.

  • Dietary shifts in emerging nations. As existing populations in developing economies become richer, they shift towards a higher protein, more resource intensive diet.

  • Healthy lifestyles in developed nations. More and more people are shifting to fresh, organic and healthy food which may be exotic and sourced from far away places.

  • High energy cost has helped renewed focus on agriculture sector as many nations are marching ahead with plans to produce bio-energy: biodiesel, biomass and biofuels.

  • Land degradation, poor land management, exploitation, changing climates, erosion, flooding, expanding desert, soil salinity spread, wars, political conflicts, and dwindling fresh water reserves have considerably reduced agriculture productivity in many countries and investors are moving to countries conducive to agricultural activity.

Our Business Model

Growing & Production
Processing & Value Addition
Marketing & Sales Internationally

Our agriculture & forestry commodities are select high value crops with multiple end uses such as food, stockfeed, oil, flavors, fibers, biomass, timber, input for cosmetics, pharma and neutraceuticals.

Current Projects

Coconut Plantation


Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. is pleased to announce its plan to establish a sustainable Coconut plantation in Central America. The plantation is designed to provide maximum financial returns under a safe investment structure that is projected to generate (at the minimum) above market returns starting in 5 years and lasting 25 years. The project is being developed by top experts using high yielding hybrid type seedlings sourced from throughout the world and is designed to deliver environmental benefits, store Carbon, and alleviate poverty in the local communities. 

Teak Plantation


Among timbers, teak holds the place which diamond is maintained amongst precious stones, with gold among metals. Having been intensely exploited for decades and because of its many uses, demand and prices for Teak has risen steadily and quality Teak is increasingly difficult to obtain.


Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. has completed the feasibility studies for establishing 2000 Acre Teak Plantatation in the fertile region of the Central America.

Paulownia Plantation


Sustainably managed high-grade tropical hardwood plantations - which provide positive economic, social and environmental benefits - are scarce. For these reasons new plantations are required on a large scale to produce renewable hardwoods for economic development and poverty alleviation, as well as to decrease pressure on natural forests.


Our Paulownia plantation is carefully designed to comply with both local and international regulations, while also incorporating sustainability principles at at every stage of project development/planning.

Food production will have to increase by more than 50% just to provide for the basic needs of the global population predicted for 2050. This will place significant demands on the farming sector and agricultural prices are anticipated to rise significantly over the coming decades.

© 2023 Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. 

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